Friday, February 23, 2007
hey you guys!! something very funny happened today. it was really embarassing but oh well, something like this won't happen in msia i bet.. =D
im having a 3day 2night camp tomorrow, which is included inside trinity's orientation. being the lazyme again, i was so lazy to pack till like last minute. u know we have our own roomkey and everythign rite. so tonight after i finish my laundry, i went to my frens room to have a chat.
at around 12.30am, i wanted to go into my room to get sth, and wow,
THE ROOM WAS LOCKED AND I HAVE NO KEY!!!OMG.its ONE AM IN THE MORNING FOR GOD'S SAKE. hahaha... so after much freaking out and screaming and running around, i forced myself to go downstairs and knock on the caretaker/owner, uncle andrew's bedroom door. ONE AM IN THE MORNING, and worse still, HE WAS HALF NAKED!! heehee.. freaking funny. then he passed me the master key to open my door.
anyway how r y'all? leave me comment or email me or skype me or msn me!! whatever man jsut tell me how u are. alright? ciaoooo.
life's cool
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
1:15 AM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
helloo!! how are y'all?!?! today was a really interesting day. hhmm lets see...
I WENT SHOPPING!!! like mad...
i bought 11 tops and 3 shorts and 4 shoes.........
see all tat on my bed? yeap its the result of a full day of hardcore shopping, with lotsa emotions like guilt and desire and love and hate jumbled up. =D

oh well, it is chinese new year isn't it? oh rite, (i forgot)
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! omg, chinese new year here is soooo....... DEAD. blergh. its so super boring man. its so crowded especially at chinatown, and its so not homeyfeelingy. i miss home. =((( i miss my auntie's pineapple tarts. =((( i want all the angpows. =((( i want my frens. =((( boo. =(((
but oh wait! so i heard SPM results is coming out soon rite? woot!! i totally forgotten bout it lar. hee. anyway whoever who knows the exact date, can u just inform me? whee.... jiale reember to call me to tell me my results k.
dudes!! take care over there in malaysia!! love y'all like nuts. gtg sleep d. its like 3.30 here man.
p.s : miss ya too su!!
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
11:30 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007
YO WORLD!!! WASSUP!! i havent been blogging at my old blog recently, but since d connection here is so fast, and xanga sux anyway, so... here presents!! hee.
as ya all know ive been here in aussie fer one week now. last week this time, i just arrived. =D. feels great to be here and to have a fresh start. but OMG, i duno wat is wrong wit trinity, but theres seirously no cute guys wan lo. so stupid.
weather here SUUXXX. fer now lar. its like 36 DEGREES man.went fer orientation yesterday with 31 DEGREES hanging. bloody. i went for it without any sunblock or long sleeveshirt, and this happened:

can u SEE that?!?!?! omg.. tats my bra strap btw. coz i wore this tank top, and my bra strap was showing lar. mana tau after sunburn SOO OBIVOUS. irritating crap i tell you. this is officially the worst orientation ive ever been to lar. =((
but putting tat aside, everything here is great lar!! can go out anytime to get ice cream, can coem back anytime after shopping, can knock on ur frens door and talk anytime i want, can eat together (hostel food is actually not bad, or mayb coz its d beginning and im not yet bored. ) al the time.
next monday we'll need to choose our subjects to study in trinity already. hopefully i don't make the wrong choice!!
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
9:58 PM