Wednesday, April 25, 2007

so sorry im late, but...
love you banyak banyak my dear, hope u'll have a smashing 18th year alrite?!?! muahmuahz!* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
7:13 PM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

thats me after a lil curling iron and make up. should i curl my hair?
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
8:24 PM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
my parents are HERE!!! im currently blogging in their hotel room (internet available here), with my mum snoring away in bed. i received a very touching surprise from my dearest friends today. they brought it to my place n asked my mum to bring it here.


u guys are so sweet. sth small but oh so meaningful. =))) muax!! thx!!
p.s : su i miss u loads too!!
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
9:49 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
yes i know i know, my blog is super dead. just so lazy lar. am having my term break now, this is the second week d. n my mummy daddy coming on tuesday. WHEE.... cant wait.
anyway since u guys havent seen me in so long, here r some pictures from the ST KILDA BEACH outing with the albert house mates yesterday!!
top : roy
second : (left to right) wui fong, jowie, hui zheng, wui sze, angeline, hui ping
third : me, zi ying, abhi
cherish, hui zheng and me

li min, cherish, zi ying, me. (wat d hell is li min doing? lol)
wui fong, hui ping, wui sze, me, hui zheng.
angeline and jowie.

ryan, abhi, cherish, limin, me, clarence
me n roy.
me, ziying, li min. check it out!! the sea and sky seem to have joined together! lol lame

candid pic of alberts hanging ard at d beach.

top : noelle, hui zheng, angeline, jowie
bottom : guo yen, fong you and roy
where d hell am i?
top : noelle, steve
second : me angeline, jowie, hui zheng
third : clarence, ryan, li min, abhi, zi ying, hui pin
RYAN and ME. he is HALF NAKED. lol
check out d sunset!! mite not b d best u've seen, but it was still damn nice. jiale this is fer you.

check out this emo pic of me. hui zheng took it fer me while i walking towards d sea. aih... i miss you eric. haha nvm
me and zi ying. damn nice rite?
ryan and me.
the sun's setting quickly.
check out d length of my hair. woot!!
my fave pic. =) tats all fer d st kilda's trip!!
did i mention my parents are coming on tuesday?!?!? omg cant wait. really.
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
2:29 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
yo sup world. first of all,
CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE FOR THEIR SPM RESULTS!! some of you may probably roll your eyes after reading that (coz u think u did badly) but reli i think everyone deserve a congratulations no matter what. =)))its sunday afternoon, n im doing my work. =((( there seem to be so much work to do, so much self reading. education here is great!! (duh so EX not great then what) but really college is cool. i signed up for this 'flaredance' club in uni, n i get to go join their classes which includes hiphop, ballet, jazz...... no latin!! #$%$&^$&
so what i did was i when to a nearby dance center and asked bout their latin dance. n they told me if i wana continue from where i stopped back in malaysia, i gtg fer private classes. n guess how much is d private class? one hour class cost AD60
tats like RM168 goodness. fer one hour. goodness.
so right, i can't continue my latin anymore. =((((((
ok enuf with tat, I MISS EVERYONE BACK HOME. =((( sob... i wont say i not enjoying myself here, but i kinda underestimated the challenges overseas, and overestimated my abilities.
aih.. this is just a random post. i gtg back to d my media hw. have to rad bout princess diana and beckham's affair. @#$#$^$%& WHAT SH*T.
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
9:47 AM
Saturday, March 10, 2007
yo yo yo everyone!! jut came back from this thing call the MOOMBA WATERFEST!!! its like a funfair thingy and they have rides and everything damn cool. am feeling reli tired and reli bad coz have been out the whole day.
but anwyay, came to promote soemething!! remember the video that i participated in? the one with the exagerrated make up? yea we made it into TOP 11!!!! hee!! go check it out yo!!
go to swang's blog, which is, the video and the voting form is there. so pls pls pls pls pls go and vote k?!?! pls pls jsut go check it out and vote. swang mite b able to win an ipod and maybe even a MACBOOK!!!! @@
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
10:20 PM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
perhaps it was the father and daughter walking hand in hand at QV just now, or maybe its just the ABC soup that i drank in the evening. but i just can't sotp myself thinking and thinking and thinking... with keith urban playing of course...
it's 1.30am here, and believe or not i had my first attack of seirous homesickness. family sickness. for friends, DUH i've had countless attacks already. but towards family, ohmygosh its jsut horrifying. i couldn't do anything but lie on my bed crying and sobbing, while i think bout my mum's assam fish and pan mee. i refer to these four empty walls as my home now, but yea of course everyone knows that i miss my real home so so so much. i miss mummy daddy bringing fruits up to my room during spm, i miss fooling around with my 2brothers when they're in a good mood, and i miss my sis and my nephew.
there are just simple times at home, where everyone sits down for dinner, and just bond you know. even after the meal, we can sit down and chitchat. some oldies playing, with the balcony door opened, its just so nice!! something simple like going fer a bowl, as a family, amazing. moments like these i've cherished since i was a kid. knowinmy age gap with my family, i yearned to belong.
february 8th year 2007, after a round of pizza with my parents at melbourne, they dropped me back at alberts before retreating to the hotel again. i fished out my key and when i was just about to step in , i heard the familiar byebye from my mum, in the car. but somehow this one made me turn, because it sounded so specific. and then thats when i knew, in the shadowy night, it'll will be the last time seeing my parents again for the next 5 months.
YEA I CAN DO IT!! I AM MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY PREPARED FER THIS!! this is what i've been reciting to myself fer months before i came. cocky that i could do it, this is when i know i had to bow down to humility.
it's such an amazing feeling when ur feeling homesick, coz homesick is not just bout d good ol' times that u had with people, but the worse times which u wish u could make it vanish. yea i cried i sobbed, like how i always do back home, but difference is, it's hard to get a genuine hug over here, compare to back home, where frens and family are an arm's reach away.
i'm fine now. yea.
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
10:23 PM
Saturday, March 03, 2007
you know what? i went clubbing yesterday. DUDE, I SOLEMNLY SWEAR I AM NOT STEPPING INTO A CLUB ANYMORE. EVER.
i went with noelle, swang, roy and ryan, noelle's cousin works there, so he got us in. i swear it was so horrible lar!! my head was spinning d moment i went in. music was loud (duh.), and my ears were about to explode. smoke smell everywhere, and my feet hurt like hell by the end of the night. when i came out ofthe club at 3am, it feels like as if cottons were stuff into my ear ok. so muffled!! wtf. we did dance, but we didnt drink. thankfully. blerh. i took some pics tho!! =)

swang and I.

roy, swang and I.

roy and I.
only got picture of 3 of us. but seriously i dunno how ppl think clubbing is so fun. its definitely an experience lar and i wana thank noelle fer inviting me. but wah lau eh, never gonna go into a club fer along time. hee.
i was feeling reli homesick jsut now. so i went fer koko black with boon. (boon, y u blog so fast wan? boo.) but anyway yea i was so good lar omg. go c go c!! n btw i went to tat restaurant in my pyjamas! (shorts and tshirt) hahha..
we bumped into alison wang. OMG she's so hot lar. wah lau, when i saw her i was feeling damn embarasses lar. she was standing there in her heels n her superb body, while i was in my flip flops with my pyjamas on. =(((
the other day, swang called me up and asked me to do her a favour. she said she'll b doing this blog video competition organized by the singaporean government, and she needs my help to b in the video. apparently im suppose to be her sister. so i agreed and i went to her place, n guess what, she told me i need EXAGERRATED MAKE UP. wth. so she helped me did it, and ta-da!!

damn cool rite!! its suppose to b some ethnic kinda thing, ans she drew this. damn nice lar!! love it. how i wish i cud to tat too!!
eh college starts this monday. =(((((
i just got my timetable, i think its reli cool!! =DDD its quite free compare to college back im malaysia (sorry guys!) and its quite fun coz classes all all around city, so in between classes they give us half an hour break to travel from one place to another, which is really cool. so instead of having classroom's name/number, they give us the street name. hee..
im kinda worried for college le. scared cannot catch up. yikes. and the student hostel that im leaving in, are filled with NERDS man. which is kinda a good thing lar, since i wud start studing if i c so many ppl studying. =DD wish me gd luck dudes!! take care!!
p.s - SPM results coming out soon! =(((
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
11:54 PM
Friday, February 23, 2007
hey you guys!! something very funny happened today. it was really embarassing but oh well, something like this won't happen in msia i bet.. =D
im having a 3day 2night camp tomorrow, which is included inside trinity's orientation. being the lazyme again, i was so lazy to pack till like last minute. u know we have our own roomkey and everythign rite. so tonight after i finish my laundry, i went to my frens room to have a chat.
at around 12.30am, i wanted to go into my room to get sth, and wow,
THE ROOM WAS LOCKED AND I HAVE NO KEY!!!OMG.its ONE AM IN THE MORNING FOR GOD'S SAKE. hahaha... so after much freaking out and screaming and running around, i forced myself to go downstairs and knock on the caretaker/owner, uncle andrew's bedroom door. ONE AM IN THE MORNING, and worse still, HE WAS HALF NAKED!! heehee.. freaking funny. then he passed me the master key to open my door.
anyway how r y'all? leave me comment or email me or skype me or msn me!! whatever man jsut tell me how u are. alright? ciaoooo.
life's cool
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
1:15 AM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
helloo!! how are y'all?!?! today was a really interesting day. hhmm lets see...
I WENT SHOPPING!!! like mad...
i bought 11 tops and 3 shorts and 4 shoes.........
see all tat on my bed? yeap its the result of a full day of hardcore shopping, with lotsa emotions like guilt and desire and love and hate jumbled up. =D

oh well, it is chinese new year isn't it? oh rite, (i forgot)
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! omg, chinese new year here is soooo....... DEAD. blergh. its so super boring man. its so crowded especially at chinatown, and its so not homeyfeelingy. i miss home. =((( i miss my auntie's pineapple tarts. =((( i want all the angpows. =((( i want my frens. =((( boo. =(((
but oh wait! so i heard SPM results is coming out soon rite? woot!! i totally forgotten bout it lar. hee. anyway whoever who knows the exact date, can u just inform me? whee.... jiale reember to call me to tell me my results k.
dudes!! take care over there in malaysia!! love y'all like nuts. gtg sleep d. its like 3.30 here man.
p.s : miss ya too su!!
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
11:30 PM